As women we are often so busy taking care of everyone and everthing that our body's hormones and stress levels can be off. This special blend of herbs and botanicals helps bring our internal reproductive system back into harmony, balancing, nutruring, detoxing and healing our womb and overall wellness. Suitable for all women including, teenage girls who have come into womanhood, pregnant, breastfeeding, women who are experiencing menopause.WHAT IT DOES:Cleanses the blood, helps with anemia, increase fertility, improve the look and feel of your skin, increase your immune system, detox the uterus, improve stress levels, stimulates the digestive system, improves blood pressure, improves blood circulation, imcrease your ability to fight off the common cold as it is packed with vitamins such as, vitamin k, B, A,C, high in magnesium and potassium. Makes you feel relax.TELL ME MORE:The art of drinking tea should be a very relaxing experience, try drinking this tea when you have a moment to yourself, to really enjoy and truly taste the great flavors of this tea, take this time to set your intentions and release your desires into the universe, and know all is well.Ingredients includes: raspberry leaf, stinging nettle leaf, dandelion root, edible roses, ginger, lemon peels, hibiscus, positive energyHow to use, bring herbs to a boil, strain and enjoy.12oz